
Information for English religious Instruction

Welcome to English Religious Instruction Classes!

We in St. Eugenia Catholic Parish are glad to work with you in helping your child/ren to a deeper Catholic faith in Jesus Christ.  We help them mature in their faith, to be committed Christians, understand Church tradition, sacraments and prayers so that they can know, love and live Jesus Christ.

The classes always start every Sunday at 4pm and finishes with a joint English Mass för all classes at 6pm. The new year Catechesis* in English started since 2nd September 2018.

The teaching cost for the whole year is 200 SEK, it includes all the necessary course materials and refreshments. Please insert the money (with your name and EC2019 as a keyword) to the parish swish number (1231051507) or pay cash during registration.

May God bless us all as we continue to pray for the success of our Catholic faith formation of children and youth.

Available classes: Pre-communion, First Holy Communion (1st and 2nd year), Post-communion, and Confirmation.

For more information contact: sr.veronica@sanktaeugenia.se

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